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[DL] Enhanced Female Ponies (Ragdolls)

Model  3d model


Soure files:…

New image made by :icond0ntst0pme:

So, after days of development, here you go: the enhanced female ponies for GMOD (and even for SFM, since that they work for both).
What did I modify from the original models?
I deleted the eyebrows and  I deleted the bonus ones (but that they can be put in a .QC, keeping in mind that not all of them will be supported since the limit of flexes) because otherwise the compiler would have gone in error;
I adjusted and corrected some parts of each flex;
added more sequences for each kind of model (to who has a medium tail and to who has a long tail).

What did I provide in the pack? I provided source files, that are now in a different pack (link is up), for the users that would want to make the own OC (in case you don't know what to do, use the .qc in the QC folder to help yourself or ask me help for instructions) and, talking about the Enhanced models pack, a full set of the  main background ponies (Octavia, Lyra, Flitter etc...) plus some bonus models (like Starlight Glimmer from S6 made by :iconjdash42:) of which I spoil nothing otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise.
To who says "The ponies are downgraded" or other nonsenses just to make take air to the own hands, I answer that there is nothing of downgraded , indeed, it's totally the opposite, because:
*each model is turnedto the enhanced one;
*minor bugs of the flexes have been fixed;
*they have more sequences;
*the same sequences can be used to make animations and other stuff;
*eyes textures are like in the show;
*no more lightwarp-dependent textures.
If people wants to use "desperately" the eyebrows   [DL] My Little Pony Improved Eyebrows (Props) by Stenovhouse <--- Here, served on a silver plate, so you neither bother your fingers to look for them on google.
About flexes for Gmod users, they require this tool…
About animations, you need this (and you need to re-download it in case of new updates).
Universal presets can be found here:…

:iconjuicedane: for have helped me about how understand how to convert animation in sequences.

About the animations, I don't remember all the names, because the animations that I added, were download 1-2 years ago, so I don't remember all the names, but I can write those that I remember. If someone had to recognize his\her animation, please comment.

:iconasa-izumi: , :iconargodaemon: , :icontheshabbycat: , :icontaceo: ; :icongaohaq: , :icondamagek: ... for others, let me know.

Hope you like them, and if there are real problems (and not idiotic things), comment.

Update 15/07/2018
*added mirrored manes (and mirrored jigglebones too, just to avoid useless questions);
*added main bones to the manes (stock and normal ones), so you can use both parts of each mane;
*replaced some flexes about the mouth (the ones about up and down) with two stereo ones (so they'll work with presets too);
*updated description;
*other minor bugs fixed.
Image size
4096x2304px 5.46 MB
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Hiper56's avatar

Where's the animations? i download them and i'm using the Animator tool but there's nothing. how?